
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Thai Donuts, 'Pa Thong Ko'

Sadly hispanic heritage month ended October 15th, but on the bright side we know will begin to incorporate other cultures into our blog! I wanted to start of with Thai Donuts because they are like little balls of heaven that melt in your mouth and come with a side of condensed milk just because lol. You can find these little concoctions at almost any asian restaurant I know Sushi Maki and Umami have them on their dessert menus. Deep- fried dough called Pa Thong Kon in Thailand is a popular and inexpensive street food. 


3 cups of all purpose flour
1 cup of water
1 teaspoon baking ammonia (or substitute baking powder)
1/4 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of sugar
1 tablespoon vegetable oil


Mix baking soda, baking powder, salt and sugar. Add water and stir well. Add this mixture to the all purpose flour, then stir a little bit (don't over-stir). Add vegetable oil then mix well until entirely combined together. Cover this with thin fabric such as a kitchen towel, and leave it for 4 hours at room temp.
Heat oil in a wok or frying pan. Sprinkle some flour on a table then pick out a handful of the mixture and put it on the table. Sculpt it into a long shape and press it. Cut it to small pieces then dab a bit of water in the middle of each piece. Pair it together then drop to hot oil and fry it until it rises and has nice color

P.S. just because hispanic heritage month is over doesn't mean we wont still be adding hispanic desserts 

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